Saturday, March 19, 2016

Real-time SEDAR Keyword Search

I've built a tool that allows investors to search SEDAR filings in real-time for pre-set keywords. I plan to charge for this in the future, but for now you are helping me work out the kinks. In return, it's free for now. You can try it here

So let's say one of your pre-set keywords is "Sales Have Doubled". If a SEDAR MD&A is released which contains "sales have doubled" (don't worry about upper/lower cases as the tool is not case sensitive), you will get e-mailed right away with a link to the filing. You can then study up on that company to see if it meets your standards.

I see this as a new way to generate unique ideas, as you are limited only by the creativity you can come up with for phrases that identify the types of companies you're looking for. You can search for things like "strategic acquisition" or "shares are undervalued" or "sales are expected to decline" or whatever you like. If you find you're getting too many or too few e-mails, all you have to do is edit your keywords at the same page. As soon as you've submitted your edited entries, starting right then you will only receive matches for the new keywords. Since this product is nascent, it may not work perfectly right off the bat, so I'm counting on you to help me out if you find something amiss.



Anonymous said...

can it tweet into my timeline

that i would pay for

Saj Karsan said...

Yes. Tweet me and we can discuss