Sunday, January 25, 2009

New Look

Site traffic continues to grow! In order to accommodate the site's growing number of readers, we will undertake some changes to improve the usability of the site. Based on some reader feedback we have received, we endeavour to better organize the site's now large library of articles and at the same time make the site more visually appealing. Before we implement the new look though, we'd like to get feedback from our existing readers.

So if you can spare the time, we'd love to hear your thoughts on a possible new layout for the blog, which can be viewed here. There's a simple poll on the new site which asks your opinion of that look relative to the current look, but if you have specific comments or suggestions please feel free to leave us a comment on this post or send us an e-mail. Thanks in advance for helping us improve the site!

Thanks a lot to Brad for his help in setting up the new look!


Anonymous said...

I think those improvements over the last version are really good guys! The only thing I would recommend is entering a little bit of code behind the adsense 728 banner & square box at the top. I think they would look better centered.
See if you like it and if not change it back by taking them out. Other than that - CONGRATS!

Anonymous said...

Looks good. Keep up the excellent work.